Monday, February 15, 2016

Breakfast: A new alternative to my PB & Jelly sandwich

I wake up every morning craving breakfast, its my favorite meal of the day!
But I found that what I was having for breakfast every day had too much sugar.
We all need a well-balanced breakfast with protein and healthy carbs, fiber
and good fats. This helps to give us energy and decrease cravings during the day.

So I replaced the jelly on my peanut butter/jelly sandwich with a few slices of apple and put natural peanut butter on a whole-wheat muffin which I scoop (take the bread out)  and toast.

The shake I drink every morning has half of a banana, unsweetened almond milk & 1/4 cup of oatmeal.

Of course, I always drink 1 or 2 cups of water before eating in the morning.

Try it :) 

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