Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My power bowls for a power lunch! 😛 * a vegetarian option and a non-vegetarian option

My lunches consist of meals packed mainly with fiber and protein.
I like easy, tasty meals so I came up with quinoa bowls that fill me up
and are so delicious and light!

I cook a cup of quinoa (as directed in package)  and when its done I
add a can of organic garbanzos, 3/4 cups of frozen edamame,
1/2 cup of green peas to the pan. I put half a tablespoon of coconut oil, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, turmeric (optional), and a little curry powder.

When the frozen edamame is thawed in the pan I mix it all together and leave ir for 5 minutes in low.

Then when I serve it in a bowl I add a little bit of fat-free feta cheese, half an avocado, and some cashews. I'll add some chopped cilantro if I have it ;)

Boom. Your healthy lunch is ready and you will have extra for 2 more days!

** For the non-vegeterian option I put 3 breasts of chicken on the crock pot and sprinkle salt, pepper, and a little paprika, and chili powder. Cook for 6 hours on low and shred when they are done.
Put the shredded chicken over your quinoa bowl.

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