Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What are you having for dinner tonight? I'm having a power foods salad :)

I usually eat my biggest meals at lunch time, dinner for me these days has been a power foods SALAD!
So the greens from the pictures below are from my friend Ana Bures' garden. She has a huge garden and plants all kind of things. Every opportunity she gets she is sharing her harvest with everyone around her! the other day I even took home some Stevia leaves from her garden and put them on my good! :)

So I usually buy (or get from her garden) a bunch of kale and chop it up. Then I put it on a big freezer ziplock bag and store it on my fridge for the whole week. Every night I take handfuls of the chopped
kale and make my salad. I have tried so many variations but this one is my favorite so far:


Handfuls of spinach, kale or any greens you like
Chopped tomatoes
Chopped mushrooms
Chopped onion (I prefer red onion)
Chickpeas/ Garbanzo beans 
half an avocado
light or fat-free feta cheese crumbled
drizzle of olive oil
drizzle of balsamic vinegar
sunflower seeds- Optional-
chopped and toasted almonds (i put them on my small oven for 5-8 minutes, chop the almonds in a food processor, and store them on an airtight container)

Mix all the ingredients and you have a delicious meal ready full of power foods! 

I wish I could post a better looking picture but this is it: my power foods salad
that tastes so good!

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