Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My family's favorite dish and the easiest one to make!

Priscilla and Michel loovee this dish and the best thing is that it is the easiest meal I cook.
Because of our health goals we eat red meat once, maximum twice a week. We all love meat in this house. You will love this meat, it is so tender and very lean and healthy.

SO first, you need a  kitchen's best friend: a crockpot.

I buy the leanest stew beef I find at the supermarket (I love Trader Joe's)

and get 1 to 1.5 lbs. of beef.


1-1.5 lbs. beef for stew
1/2 teaspoon each of turmeric, cumin, salt, pepper, paprika
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
8oz. mushrooms
1 medium onion
2 tomatoes
1clove minced garlic

a few splashes of Worcestershire sauce (optional)

Put the beef in chunks and add all the spices.
Turn on the crockpot in low. Two hours into it throw in the minced garlic, mushrooms, the chopped onion and tomatoes. Cook in low for 4 more hours. Half an hour before cooking time is up
throw in some splashes of the Worcestershire sauce to give it a little more flavor.

Total cook time is 6 hours in low. Your beef will be so tender it will melt in your mouth.
I serve it with quinoa and steamed or roasted veggies, this time I served it with asparagus,
my family devoured it :)

Finished product:

Put the beef mixed with the spices in the crockpot in LOW

Two hours later thrown in the veggies

I have tried it before where I just put all ingredients together and cook it all for 6 hours in low, it is still very good but if you have time do it in this two stages it will taste even better.

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