Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Super easy & healthy lunch or dinner :)

Sweet Potato Tacos :)

 I love having vegetarian lunches 3 times a week and sometimes I run out of ideas.

So I picked two sweet potatoes I had on my fridge and baked them for 40 minutes in 400 degrees F.
Once they were soft when pricked with a knife  I took them out from the oven and
waited a few minutes to let them cool down a bit.

Then I cut them in half and took the insides out.
I put it on a big bowl and mashed them well. I added 1 cup organic black beans, 1/4 cup
of chopped red onions, 1/2 cup corn, juice from half a lime, pinch of salt and pepper, and if you like spicy like me a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Mix it all together.

Put  a couple of tablespoons of the mixture in two warm corn tortillas, and there you have
it... a delicious meal that has healthy carbs and protein!

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